The Post-Brexit European Union – A French-German View

The decision of British voters to leave the European Union has reopened the debate on the future of the EU. This Lunch Debate asks what the future of the Union could look like; a future which is at the same time realistic and consistent with a French-German perspective. A unique survey conducted among the members of the Assemblée Nationale and the Deutsche Bundestag, whose results will be launched on that day, provides the empirical basis for the debate. On an introductory note, the newly appointed ZEW President, Professor Wambach, will outline the implications of the Brexit for the EU.


Prof. Pierre Boyer, Ph.D.

Prof. Pierre Boyer, Ph.D. // Ecole Polytechnique

Zum Profil
 Sylvie Goulard

Sylvie Goulard // Member of the European Parliament

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 Peter Simon

Peter Simon // Member of the European Parliament

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