Recent Developments in European Competition Policy

ZEW Lunch Debates

Promoting competition in the common market and enforcing antitrust law, EU competition policy ensures free markets and strenthens economic growth in Europe. The objective of this Lunch Debate is to discuss the economic significance of competition policy for Europe. Particular attention will be paid to the impact of recent policy reforms in the files of cartel enforcement and merger control.


Kai Hüschelrath
Research Associate

Prof. Dr. Kai Hüschelrath // Hochschule Schmalkalden

Zum Profil
Dr. Stephanie Birmanns

Dr. Stephanie Birmanns // Schilling, Zutt & Anschütz, Rechtsanwältin

Dr. Gerald Miersch

Dr. Gerald Miersch // EU Kommission, DG Wettbewerb, Head of Unit




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Weitere Informationen

ZEW Lunch Debate in Brüssel - Kronzeugen entscheiden den Kampf gegen Kartelle in Europa

01.07.2015 Weiterlesen