New Rules for the Digital Economy?

We are currently entering unchartered territory in terms of competition policy: How shall the concentration of market power in the digital economy and its misuse be addressed? Are the concepts and regulatory instruments which are currently used still relevant? What challenges does the Federal Cartel Office face? The fact that the Federal Cartel Office and the EU Commission are investigating two of the giants of the digital economy, Facebook and Google, underlines the critical importance of this question.

This year's ZEW Economic Forum will focus on the topic "New Rules for the Digital Economy?". The event brings together a number of high-profile experts to discuss the extent to which competition policy is an adequate instrument for addressing the growing market power of large corporations in the digital economy, on both a national and international level.


Prof. Dietmar Harhoff, PhD

Prof. Dietmar Harhoff, PhD // Director of the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Chairman of the Commission of Experts for Research and Innovation of the German government

Zum Profil
 Julia Holtz

Julia Holtz // Competition Director, Google

 Andreas Mundt

Andreas Mundt // President of the Federal Cartel Office

Zum Profil
 Christoph Weigler

Christoph Weigler // General Manager, Uber München

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Thomas Fetzer

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Thomas Fetzer // University of Mannheim and MaCCI

Zum Profil




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