Making the Most of the European Fiscal Board

In late 2016, the European Fiscal Board (EFB) started its work. It was set up by the Commission as an independent advisory board on fiscal matters. The Board's role is to evaluate the implementation of EU fiscal rules, to advise the Commission on the fiscal stance appropriate for the euro area as a whole and to cooperate with Member States' national fiscal councils.

In this Lunch Debate, we will shed light on the functioning of the EFB and try to give a first assessment of its strengths and weaknesses. Are the EFB’s aims a "mission impossible"? Or are there ways for the new institution, this "watchdog for another watchdog", to succeed e.g. in depoliticising the decisions on the Stability and Growth Pact, including sanctions? How does cooperation with both the Commission and the national fiscal councils materialise? Are there ways to make it more effective? These are just some of the questions addressed in what promises be a thought-provoking debate.

Participation in the event is only possible on invitation. If you are interested in attending the event, please contact us at


Prof. Dr.  Niels  Thygesen

Prof. Dr. Niels Thygesen // Chair of the European Fiscal Board

Xavier Debrun, PhD Ph.D.

Xavier Debrun, Ph.D. // Belgische Nationalbank

 Moderation: Maithreyi Seetharaman

Moderation: Maithreyi Seetharaman // economics and business journalist

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