The Future Is Now

First-Hand Information on Economic Policy

Proactively Shaping the Revolution in the Automotive Industry

Individual mobility and its industrialisation are currently undergoing major transformation. New developments are turning the market on its head, including digitalisation, self-driving cars and connectivity as well as the challenges facing drive technologies, such as efficient combustion engines and electric or hydrogen-powered cars. Regulatory requirements and new, non-traditional competitors, for example from the IT sector, are exerting additional pressure on the market. How are German car manufacturers adjusting to these changing market conditions? Are they successfully helping to actively shape this revolution in the sector?

We are delighted to welcome as a guest speaker Klaus Fröhlich, member of the board of management responsible for development at BMW Group, who will share his thoughts on the subject and shed light on his strategies for the transformation of individual mobility and the automotive industry.


ZEW – Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung

BMW Board Member for Development Fröhlich on the future of the automotive industry at the ZEW


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ZEW – Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung


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