Setting the Paris Agreement in Motion: Key Requirements for the Implementing Guidelines


Side event at the Conference of the Parties (COP24)

This event will analyse core requirements for crafting effective implementing guidelines under the Paris Agreement and highlight ways in which Parties may operationalise these guidelines. It will focus on themes related to transparency and flexibility, as well as on the determinants of and incentives for monitoring, reporting, and compliance from a multi-stakeholder perspective (including Parties, civil society, firms, and individuals). It will also look into efforts to review and promote progress under the Paris Agreement, including individual and collective review and linkages across different elements of the Paris Agreement.


International Congress Centre Katowice


Setting the Paris Agreement in Motion: Key Requirements for the Implementing Guidelines



Jane Ellis

Jane Ellis // CCXG, OECD

Marcia Rocha

Marcia Rocha // CCXG, OECD


Claire Gavard
Advanced Researcher
Claire Gavard
Zum Profil



International Congress Centre Katowice


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  • Raum Bieszczady

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25.01.2019 Weiterlesen