Kooperationen, Networking, Partnering – Erfolgversprechende Strategien für die Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft?


Companies enter into cooperative agreements to develop and improve products and services, use common infrastructures for purchasing and sales with the aim of reducing costs, or share information and experiences. These agreements range from completely informal to long-term and strategically orientated business partnerships. In the cultural and creative industries, which consist of numerous small businesses and self-employed persons whose services are often requested by companies from other sectors, collaboration can be important for a firm’s success.

We will present the current results of a project on cooperation in the cultural and creative industries. Experts will share their experience to provide an insight into practice and show what it takes to successfully cooperate.

Together we will discuss the adequate timeframe and division of application for each form of cooperation, corresponding success factors, and the obstacles to overcome.


Online registration (in German language)





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