Fifth Mannheim Energy Conference 2016


The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) and the Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation (MaCCI) are pleased to announce the 5th Mannheim Energy Conference on May 19–20, 2016. International scholars and practitioners in the field of energy economics are invited to discuss the lessons learned from deregulation, new opportunities and future challenges. The conference seeks to provide a stimulating environment for debates on issues fundamental to the energy industry, the policy implications of recent research, and new research questions arising from energy market regulation and policies. Advanced theoretical, empirical, and policy-oriented contributions on all aspects of the economics of energy markets are welcome.


Advanced Researcher
Robert Germeshausen
Zum Profil
Research Associate
Sven Heim
Zum Profil
Junior Research Associate
Nikolas Wölfing
Zum Profil




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