The Single Resolution Mechanism and the Limits of Bank Regulation


The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Brussels-based Think Tank Bruegel, the Financial Risk and Stability Network, and the Institute for Banking and Capital Market Law at Humboldt-University host the conference titled "The Single Resolution Mechanism and the Limits of Bank Regulation" in Berlin on November 8, 2013.

A key element of the EU Banking Union has entered the political agenda: the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM). The new mechanism will affect complicated and sensitive legal, regulatory and political issues. Severe questions concerning the SRM's legitimacy, institutional setting, funding, and political impact have yet to be answered. This conference brings together researchers, politicians, and banking experts to discuss the design of the resolution authority, the impact of regulatory policy, and the responsibility of financial institutions. The conference will be held mainly in English. Participation is free of charge; admission is only possible after confirmed registration.

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Additional information and registration


Michael Schröder
Senior Researcher
Michael Schröder
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