Data and Data Access at the Research Data Center of the German Federal Employment Agency at the Institute for Employment

Research Seminars

The Research Data Center (FDZ) of the German Federal Employment Agency (BA) at the Institute for Employment Research (AIB) facilitates access to micro data on the German labor market for academic research. Data available at FDZ focus on individuals/households or establishments and cover various aspects of the labor market. The data stem either from social security records, data from administrative processes of the BA or surveys conducted by IAB. Currently, over 10 data products are available at the FDZ, for example the Sample of Integrated Labor Market Biographies (SIAB), the IAB Establishment Panel (IABBP) or the Linked Employer-Employee (LIAB) data. In the near future more linked data, for example combinations of administrative records with German patent data or commercial data (Bureau van Dijk) as well as geo-coded data will be available. Access to FDZ data is provided on-site in Nuremberg or at one of FDZ’s remote access points in Germany or the US. Moreover, FDZ prepares so-called Scientific Use Files (SUF), data files specifically designed for off-site access.


Dr.  Jörg Heining

Jörg Heining // Institute for Employment Research (IAB)


Research Associate
Andreas Peichl
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  • Raum Heinz König Hall