Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Altersvorsorge und nachhaltige Finanzmärkte

  1. ZEWnews // 1999

    01/02 - 1999

    • Fitneß-Programm für die Wirtschaft
    • Integrierter Umweltschutz: Weder Jobkiller noch Jobwunder
    • Technologische Leistungsfähigkeit ‘98
    • Barometer für die Transportmärkte
    • Berufsausbildung in Unternehmen
    • Verarbeitendes…
  2. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 98-10 // 1998

    Market Depth and Order Size - An Analysis of Permanent Price Effects of DAX Futures' Trades

    In this paper we analyze the permanent price impact of trades in financial markets by investigating the relation between unexpected net order flow and price changes. We mainly focus on four questions. Does large…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 98-30 // 1998

    EMU and Fiscal Discipline : The End of the Depreciation Threat

    Are the characteristics of the exchange rate regime relevant for the degree of fiscal discipline? What are the conclusions for fiscal behavior in Europe after the transition to EMU? These are the central…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper Nr. 98-20 // 1998

    Hedging Langfristiger Lieferverpflichtungen mit kurzfristigen Futures : Möglich oder Unmöglich ?

    Since the crisis of the Metallgesellschaft AG in 1993, their roll over hedging strategy with short-term oil futures has been a subject of controversal debate. Main issues of this controversy are whether a woll…

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