Publikationen des Forschungsbereichs Altersvorsorge und nachhaltige Finanzmärkte

  1. #ZEWPodcast // 2021

    Folge 13 mit Dr. Michael Schröder und Dr. Frank Brückbauer: Die ZEW-Konjunkturerwartungen

    Wie entwickelt sich die Wirtschaft in den nächsten sechs Monaten? Diese Frage versuchen die ZEW-Konjunkturerwartungen seit mittlerweile 30 Jahren zu beantworten, indem sie monatlich die Stimmung und Prognosen…

  2. ZEW policy brief Nr. 21-06 // 2021

    How the Withdrawal of Global Correspondent Banks Hurts Emerging Europe

    Correspondent banks allow local banks in emerging markets to access the international payments system. This helps local banks to make cross-border payments, clear currencies, and provide trade finance. The…

  3. Discussion und Working Paper // 2021

    Is There a Need for Reverse Mortgages in Germany? Empirical Evidence and Policy Implications

    Building up sufficient capital for old-age provision often is a challenge for private households. For homeowners, one way to generate old-age income from illiquid housing wealth is the use of equity release…

  4. Discussion und Working Paper // 2021

    The fight against financial crime: How global banks' de-risking affects trade and the local economy

    This paper investigates the importance of correspondent banking for trade and firm performance in emerging Europe. We exploit the unexpected "structural break" in the U.S. regulator’s enforcement of financial…

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