Kommentierung der § 41b TKG, § 41c TKG und § 134a TKG (Treatise on sec. 41b, sec. 41c and sec 134a of the German Telecommunications Act)

Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2021
Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2021

Kommentierung der § 41b TKG, § 41c TKG und § 134a TKG (Treatise on sec. 41b, sec. 41c and sec 134a of the German Telecommunications Act)

Kollmann, Emanuel (2021), Kommentierung der § 41b TKG, § 41c TKG und § 134a TKG (Treatise on sec. 41b, sec. 41c and sec 134a of the German Telecommunications Act), in: Thomas Fetzer, Joachim Scherer, Kurt Graulich (Eds.), Berliner Kommentare, 3. Auflage, Erich-Schmidt-Verlag, Berlin,