ZEW Awarded Title for Equal Opportunities and Diversity Again

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Holding the TOTAL E-QUALITY certificate: Doris Brettar, head of HR, ZEW HR Officer Katharina Pakebusch and ZEW Director Thomas Kohl.

The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim, has for the second time received the “TOTAL E-QUALITY” award and is thus considered an employer who is particularly committed to ensuring gender equality and diversity in the workplace.

The TOTAL E-QUALITY award acknowledges ZEW as an institute that sets a good example in the reconciliation of work and family life. There are numerous individual agreements regarding working volumes and the distribution of working hours, which are geared to the needs of the employees, thus offering the greatest possible flexibility. In addition, top priority is given to fair recruitment and development practices, promoting cooperative behaviour in the workplace and making gender equality an integral part of organisational development. In 2015, ZEW was granted the award for the first time.

Personnel management builds on previous success

TOTAL E-QUALITY award in Stuttgart

The association TOTAL EQUALITY Deutschland presented the award to 50 organisations and associations from the fields of industry, science and administration on 31 October 2018 in Stuttgart. With the award, the association recognises forward-looking, successful and sustainable personnel policies. The award is presented on an annual basis and is valid for three years. According to the jury’s statement, “ZEW has continued its mission to ensure gender equality in the assessment period and even developed new, individual measures, such as agreements on mobile working and guidelines to support post-doctoral researchers in the workplace and in acquiring tenured positions. (...) The institute has also shown great commitment to equal opportunities when filling new positions as well as in its organisational culture and in the areas of moral harassment, sexual discrimination and violence (...) The jury welcomes the commitment of ZEW to promote diversity in light of the principles of the WIN Charter.”