ZEW President Franz Presented Annual Report 2010/11 by German Council of Economic Experts in Berlin, Brussels, Stuttgart and Karlsruhe

Public Events

As in previous years, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Franz, ZEW President and Chairman of the German Council of Economic Experts, presented the main results of the new Annual Report 2010/2011 in Berlin, Brussels, Stuttgart and Karlsruhe.

Both events attracted a large number of visitors with numerous representatives of firms, politics, administration, society and academia. In addition to the current economic situation and the labour market, the audience was particularly interested in the Council’s views on public debt, the crisis in some eurozone countries and the consequences for the Euro.

In Karlsruhe, the event was held at EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, where Hans-Peter Villis, the Chairman of the Board of Management, welcomed the guests. In Stuttgart, BW-Bank hosted the event and Joachim Schielke, the Chairman of the Board of Management, welcomed the audience. Subsequently, the Minister President of Baden-Württemberg Stefan Mappus gave a short speech. Mr Mappus focused on the economic challenges, in particular for Baden-Württemberg, against the background of the economic and financial crisis, thus building a bridge to the speech by ZEW President Franz.