Latest Press Releases

  1. CH Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 17.06.2009

    ZEW-CS Financial Market Test Switzerland - Economic Expectations for Switzerland Back in Positive Territory

    According to the Financial Market Survey Switzerland, carried out by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in cooperation with Credit Suisse (CS), economic expectations continued to brighten up…
  2. ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 16.06.2009

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment - Optimism Increases

    The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany improved in June 2009. This is the eighth month in a row with an increase. The indicator rose by 13.7 points and now stands at 44.8 points after 31.1 points…
  3. ZEW/Prognos Survey // 10.06.2009

    ZEW/ProgTrans Survey Among Transport Market Experts - German Transport Sector Has Reached Low Point

    The German transport sector seems to have reached an economic low point in the second quarter 2010. The transport volume in road freight is going to stabilize in the second half of 2009. However, individual…
  4. Research // 08.06.2009

    ZEW Welcomes Modifications of Interest Barrier Rule and Regulations of Tax Relief

    The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) welcomes the tax relief for companies, which is implemented in the Citizens Relief Act (Bürgerentlastungsgesetz). The tax benefits were passed by the finance…
  5. Research // 03.06.2009

    European Parliament Split Over the Harmonisation of Corporate Taxation

    Some EU member states try to attract investors with reduced corporate tax rates, which might lead to a harmful tax competition in the European Union (EU). For this reason, the introduction of a Europe-wide…
  6. Research // 02.06.2009

    KfW/ZEW CO2-Survey: German Companies Actively Participate in EU Emissions Trading

    The KfW/ZEW CO2-Barometer, which was released for the first time today, reflects a dynamically growing market for CO2 certificates in Europe. The survey is based on the EU emissions trading system (EU ETS), the…
  7. Research // 25.05.2009

    Willingness to Make a Donation Reacts Above all to Tax Incentives

    The higher the government's share in every Euro donated, the more generous German donors become. A raise in available income, however, has a considerably weaker effect on charitable donors' willingness to part…
  8. CEE Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 22.05.2009

    ZEW/Erste Group Bank Sentiment Indicator for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) - Economic Expectations for Central and Eastern Europe Turn Positive Again

    The financial experts’ business outlook for Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) improves by 9.9 points in May. Currently standing at 6.0 points, the ZEW/Erste Group Bank sentiment indicator CEE has turned positive…