Minister of Finance Willi Stächele, MdL, Visits Centre for European Economic Research

Dates and News

Left to right: Professor Wolfgang Franz, Willi Stächele, Minister of Finance, Steffen Ratzel, government official at the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Finance, and Thomas Kohl

Willi Stächele, Minister of Finance in Baden-Württemberg visited the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim on 4 June 2009. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Franz, ZEW President, and Thomas Kohl, Director of Business and Administration, welcomed the Minister of Finance. Professor Franz says: "We are delighted to exclusively present our research institute to Mr Stächele."

The Minister of Finance recalls that ZEW was founded at the beginning of the 1990s as a government initiative by the federal state Baden-Württemberg. Stächele continues: "Over the years, the institute has become a competent consultant for economic and economic policy issues. Particularly in times of the economic crisis, ZEW's expertise is more important than ever. For example, ZEW analyses the financial situation of public budgets or fiscal burdens of companies. With its research, the institute makes an important contribution to economic policy consultancy. ZEW is one of the leading economic research institutes in Europe and a flagship of top level research in Baden-Württemberg."


Thomas Kohl, Phone: +49/621/1235-111, E-mail: