Third Community Innovation Survey (CIS3)

Third Community Innovation Survey (CIS3)


European Commission

Period: 01.03.2001 – 31.12.2003

In 2001, the innovation surveys of the ZEW (MIP and MIP-S) were the German contribution to the third Community Innovation Surveys (CIS 3), which were coordinated by eurostat, the statistical office of the European Communities.

At an early stage of the project, eurostat implemented a Task Force assembled by international experts on research on innovation activities. Within this framework, the ZEW, together with other European institutions, which are responsible for innovation surveys in their countries, compiled a harmonized questionnaire for the innovation surveys. Beyond the questionnaires, statistical survey methods, too, as well as data mining and analytical methods are co-ordinated. Having carried out innovation surveys on a yearly basis for many years now, the ZEW is recognized for its international reputation in research on innovation activities and therefore was able to contribute intensively to the further development of the CIS.

Meanwhile, OECD and eurostat jointly initiated another small Task Force of innovation experts to work on the fundamental, third revision of the so-called Oslo Manual. The Oslo Manual in its guidelines not only codifies - among others - the definitions of innovation activities, but is actually considered as the manual par excellence on how to carry out innovation surveys. A main objective is the supply of internationally comparable indicators of innovation activity for scientifically founded political counselling. Co-ordinated by the OECD, innovation surveys follow these guidelines already world-wide. Again, the ZEW is intensively involved in this revision process of the Oslo Manual.

European Commission, Brüssel, BE
Cooperation partner
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris, FR // Eurostat, Luxemburg, LU // Statistics Austria, Wien, AT // National Statistical Institute of Italy, Rom, IT // FORFAS, Dublin, IE // STEP Group, Oslo, NO // Statistics Netherlands (CBS), Den Haag, NL // Statistics Norway, Oslo, NO // Service des Statistiques Industrielles, Paris, FR