Rebound Webinar about Energy Efficiency on November 13, 2014 - Largest Energy Source or a Source of Additional Demand?

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Increasing energy efficiency is an important step on our way to a more climate- and resource-friendly building stock. In reality though, energy savings generated through energy efficiency measures tend to be lower than expected, which can be attributed to adjustments in consumer behaviour that were triggered by increased energy efficiency. This “rebound effect” is examined within the framework of the ZEW REBOUND project. At the webinar on November 13, 2014, from 5:30 to 7 p.m., Dr. Martin Achtnicht, deputy head of research department at ZEW, will discuss recent research results on rebound effects and provide an in-depth explanation of this phenomenon.

The event will be hosted by Dieter Bindel, Vice-Chair of GIH Bundesverband e.V. Other speakers, beside Martin Achtnicht, include Andreas Ernst, professor for environmental systems analysis at the University of Kassel and Deputy Chief Executive at the Center for Environmental Systems Research (CESR), as well as members of the Graduate Center for Environmental Studies (GradZ) from the University of Kassel.