Japanese Visiting Researchers at ZEW

Guests at ZEW

From December 12-15, 2011, a group of researchers from Sophia University and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Tokyo, Japan) were visiting the ZEW research department "Environmental and Resource Economics, Environmental Management". Toshi H. Arimura (Sophia University), Shiro Takeda (Kantogakuen University/Sophia University), Hakaru Iguchi (Sophia University) and Masato Yamazaki (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) are experienced researchers in the fields of CGE modelling, the economic analysis of carbon markets, and other environmental policies. On December 13, 2011, together with ZEW researchers, they presented their current work at the in-house "Sophia ZEW Workshop on Energy and Climate Policy". Therefore the workshop offered a unique opportunity to exchange ideas and discuss about energy policy modelling and the empirical study of environmental regulation from different international perspectives.