Human capital as a factor of growth and promotion of employment at regional level: The case of Germany

Human capital as a factor of growth and promotion of employment at regional level: The case of Germany

This project assesses the impact of human capital on productivity, growth and employment on a regional level using micro-econometric methods. The analysis includes various indicators of human capital endowment at the regional level and estimates private and social returns of human and physical capital. Thereby the strengths and weaknesses of German regions shall be identified, allowing the improvement of effective education strategies for particular regions.

Project members

Prof. Dr. Thomas Zwick

Prof. Dr. Thomas Zwick

Project Coordinator
Research Associate

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Selected Publications

The case for Germany

Ammermüller, Andreas, Anja Schüler, Charlotte Lauer and Prof. Dr. Thomas Zwick (2005), The case for Germany, in: Europäischer Ausschuss der Regionen (Eds.), CoR Studies E, Vol. 2/2005 Brussels, 53-113


Research Associate
Prof. Dr. Thomas Zwick
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