Latest Press Releases

  1. Comment // 06.05.2015

    ZEW President Fuest on UK's General Elections on 7 May, 2015: "New Orientation"

    On 7 May, 2015, general elections will be held in the UK. The coalition government consisting of conservatives and liberal democrats must face the public vote. According to many observers, the outcome of these…
  2. Comment // 12.05.2014

    ZEW Paper on the 2014 European Elections – Identifying and Exploiting Europe's Potential

    The 2014 elections to the European Parliament take place at a time when Europe is facing considerable economic challenges. Doubts have been voiced about Europe's capability to cope with these challenges.…
  3. Comment // 08.04.2014

    Statement of the Independent Expert Commission on the Monitoring Report Issued by the Federal Government - Evaluation of the Progress in Implementing the Energy Transition: Interim Results Are Mixed

    In the statement on the federal government’s 2012 monitoring report, the Expert Commission on the monitoring process "Energy of the Future" reports mixed interim results for Germany’s "Energiewende", i.e. the…
  4. Comment // 21.06.2006

    ZEW President Franz Criticises the Fund Model for Restructuring the Statutory Health Insurance

    By now, the restructuring of the statutory health insurance (SHI) has gradually taken shape as reportedly planned by the federal government. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Franz, president of the Centre for…
  5. Comment // 27.02.2006

    Statement from ZEW President Wolfgang Franz - Introduction of Statutory Minimum Wages would Cost Jobs

    Germany is once again discussing the implementation of statutory minimum wages. According to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Wolfgang Franz, President of the Mannheim Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), their…
  6. Comment // 03.12.1998

    Statement on Proposed Tax Reform

    The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) and Prof. Jacobs, chairholder at the University of Mannheim, analysed the draft legislation for the corporate tax reform for 1999, 2000 and 2002 with respect to…