Latest Press Releases

  1. ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 22.05.2007

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment - Upward Trend Continues

    The ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany has continued its upward trend in May 2007. The indicator rose by 7.5 points and now stands at 24.0 points after 16.5 points in April. This is still below its…
  2. ZEW Annual Report // 10.05.2007

    ZEW Annual Report 2006 published – ZEW Success Story Continues

    - Third-party funds grew from 5.16 million euros to 6.19 million euros and have thus reached a record high since the institute’s foundation in 1991 - Very successful at acquiring EU projects - Number of…
  3. Research // 27.04.2007

    ZEW Forecast Survey April 2007 – Banking Experts Expect only Slight Movement of Stock Markets and Interest Rates in Germany

    In the coming six months, a rather subdued development on the German and European stock markets is to be expected. Short-term and long-term interest rates will rise only slightly in this period. These are the…
  4. M&A Index // 24.04.2007

    ZEW-ZEPHYR M&A Index - Slight decrease in worldwide M&A activities in the first quarter of 2007

    Worldwide merger and acquisition (M&A) activities slightly dropped in the first quarter of 2007. Accordingly, the ZEW-ZEPHYR M&A Index is at 126 points in March 2007 compared to 142 points in December 2006 (see…
  5. CH Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 19.04.2007

    ZEW-CS Financial Market Test Switzerland - ZEW Credit Suisse Indicator Regarding the Current Situation Still at a High Level, Economic Outlook More Optimistic Again

    The results of the latest monthly ZEW Credit Suisse survey reveal a slight increase of the very positive assessment of the economic situation in Switzerland. Regarding the economic outlook the survey…
  6. Research // 18.04.2007

    Private Equity Investors - Europeans Particularly Concentrate on Established Markets With Strong Competition

    The extraordinary growth of international private equity transactions in recent years already earned private equity investors a reputation as the secret multinational companies of the new millennium. European…
  7. ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment // 17.04.2007

    ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment - Recovery Gains Momentum

    The recovery of the ZEW Indicator of Economic Sentiment for Germany gained momentum in April 2007. The indicator rose by 10.7 points and now stands at 16.5 points after 5.8 points in March. This is still far…
  8. Information Economy // 16.04.2007

    Service Providers of the Information Society – Companies Intensify Investment in ICT and Outsource IT Services

    In the past three months, more than a third of the IT-related service providers increased their expenses on information and communications technologies (ICT). About 35 per cent of the companies expect a further…
  9. Research // 16.04.2007

    EU Emissions Trading - "Hot Air" or Decreasing Emissions

    In the first phase of the Kyoto Protocol starting 2008, it is intriguing for Russia to sell its emission rights via the European Emissions trading system without the obligation to lower its own emissions. As…