The period until nuclear reactors are shut-down and how to determine it remain a point of contention in the negotiations for a regulated nuclear phase-out. Opponents of nuclear energy, on a political level…
The reform package proposed by finance minister Eichel will not influence the current labour market situation. This is the result of a current survey conducted by the Centre for European Economic Reseach (ZEW)…
Due to their cost efficiency, environmental taxes are usually an important means to provide incentives for environmentally friendly economic activity. However, the ecological tax reform in Germany does not…
A current study carried out by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim in collaboration with the Otto Beisheim School of Management (WHU) in Koblenz analyses the reasons for the considerable…
The gross hourly wage of women in the western Länder depends on their working hours. For instance, women working less than 20 hours per week have to accept significant wage cuts. By contrast, in the case of…
An analysis of the tax structure of other European countries shows that – mainly due to historical reasons – property taxes are fairly common. For instance, in Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Spain,…
In a current study, the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim analysed the costs of an early phase-out of nuclear energy in Germany. The study showed that the amount of costs mainly depends on…
The innovation activities in the German manufacturing and mining industries have further increased. In 1997, the share of innovative companies among all businesses in this sector has reached a level of 66 per…
Innovation activities in Germany showed a generally stable trend in 1997. However, disparate developments are apparent in the individual sectors. Whereas in the modern services sectors – banks/insurances as…