The formal handover of the WIN Charter certificate (from left): ZEW Director Thomas Kohl, ZEW project assistant Lucie Berger and Member of the State Parliament Franz Untersteller

By signing the WIN Charter of the State of Baden-Württemberg, ZEW makes a clear commitment to economic, ecological and social responsibility. The WIN Charter (short for: Wirtschaftsinitiative Nachhaltigkeit, Sustainable Business Practices) was developed as part of Baden-Württemberg’s sustainability strategy and consists of twelve guiding principles. These principles cover several aspects of sustainability (economy, ecology and social affairs), set out common basic values and provide incentives for their implementation at various levels. Over the course of this year, ZEW will be particularly committed to the WIN principles of human rights and employee rights, employee welfare, resources as well as energy and emissions.

Just how ZEW plans to implement these principles is laid down in the institute’s official WIN Charter concept. In order to exchange ideas with other companies who signed the Charter, ZEW Director Thomas Kohl participated in this year’s WIN forum in Stuttgart. The event took place at the Stuttgart Trade Fair on 5 April 2018, whose list of attendees included the Minister of the Environment, Climate Protection and Energy Sector of Baden-Württemberg, Franz Untersteller. At the fair, he signed the WIN Charter together with a number of companies.