1. Refereed Journal // forthcoming

    Birth Cohort Size Variation and the Estimation of Class Size Effects

    We show that in school systems with grade retention or redshirting birth cohort size is negatively related to the grade-level share of students who are too old for their grade. This compositional effect gives…

  2. Refereed Journal // forthcoming

    Does Pay Transparency Affect the Gender Wage Gap? Evidence from Austria

    We study the 2011 Austrian pay transparency law, which requires firms above a size threshold to publish internal reports on the gender pay gap. Using an event-study design, we show that the policy had no…

  3. Discussion and Working Paper // forthcoming

    Strategies under distributional and strategic uncertaint

    I investigate the decision problem which arises in a game of incomplete information under two different types of uncertainty - uncertainty about other players’ type distributions and about other players’…

  4. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // forthcoming

    Bewertungskriterien von Fördersystemen aus ökonomischer Sicht

  5. Refereed Journal // 2025

    Computers as Stepping Stones? Technological Change and Equality of Labor Market Opportunities

    This  paper  analyzes  whether  technological  change  improves  equality  of  labormarket opportunities by increasing the returns to skills relative to the returns toparental background.  We find that in…

  6. Refereed Journal // 2024

    Financial literacy, stock market participation, and financial wellbeing in Germany

    We examine financial literacy in Germany and its relevance for financial wellbeing. Using data from the Panel on Household Finances collected in 2021, we show that about 62% of German households answer the Big…

  7. ZEW Monthly // 2024

    04/2024 – Our Alumni Community

    ZEW wouldn't be the same without its alumni. That's why we dedicate the April edition of the ZEW Monthly to our Alumni Network and its over 600 members.