The Universal Service Obligation for Telephone Directories: Regulating the Redundant

Refereed Journal // 2012
Refereed Journal // 2012

The Universal Service Obligation for Telephone Directories: Regulating the Redundant

In this article, we examine the universal service obligation for telephone directories. In most countries, this obligation consists of two parts. First, publishers must offer a comprehensive directory, including all telephone subscribers. Second, this directory should be available to all users. Building a simple theoretical model, inspired by the literature on two-sided markets, we find that one of these two obligations is redundant. Imposing availability to all users is sufficient to induce publishers to offer a comprehensive directory. The reverse however does not hold.

De Smet, Dries and Patrick Van Cayseele (2012), The Universal Service Obligation for Telephone Directories: Regulating the Redundant, Competition and Regulation in Network Industries 13(1) , 40-70

Authors Dries De Smet // Patrick Van Cayseele