Publications of the Research Unit Digital Economy

  1. ZEW-Branchenreport Informationswirtschaft // 2003

    Jahrgang 2, Nr. 2, Juli 2003

    Dienstleister der Informationsgesellschaft: erster Silberstreif am Horizont?

    DasWachstum im Wirtschaftszweig Dienstleister der Informationsgesellschaft hat sich im zweiten Quartal 2003 besser entwickelt, als es…

  2. ZEW-Branchenreport Informationswirtschaft // 2003

    Jahrgang 2, Nr. 1, April 2003

    Verhaltener Jahresauftakt bei Dienstleistern der Informationsgesellschaft

    Die jährliche Umsatzwachstumsrate der Dienstleister der Informationsgesellschaft ist im ersten Quartal 2003 auf 1,7 Prozent gesunken,…

  3. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 02-42 // 2002

    What's Spurious? What's Real? Measuring the Productivity Impacts of ICT at the Firm-Level

    In order to assess the productivity effects of information and communication technologies (ICT), regressions based on cross–sectional firm–level data may yield unreliable results for the commonly employed…

  4. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 02-54 // 2002

    Optimal Cover Prices and the Effects of Website Provision on Advertising and Magazine Demand

    I derive and estimate a model for cover price setting in print media markets where actors are faced by two interrelated demand curves: the demand for the print medium and the demand for advertising space.…

  5. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2002

    Quantification of Qualitative Data Using Ordered Probit Models

    This paper aims at providing business survey analysts with simple econometric tools to quantify qualitative survey data. We extend the traditional and commonly applied method proposed by Carlson and Parkin…

  6. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 02-81 // 2002

    ICT and International Corporate Taxation: Tax Attributes and Scope of Taxation

    In this paper, an outline of the consequences of the increased use of ICT on international corporate taxation, namely on the tax attributes and the scope of taxation, is given. It is argued that the concept of…

  7. ZEW Discussion Paper No. 02-80 // 2002

    Competition in the German Broadband Access Market

    This paper gives a survey of the current state of competition in the German Broadband access market. Existing regulations and their impact on the deployment of high-speed Internet access are evaluated. It is…