Consultion Time in GP Care - A European Comparison

Consultion Time in GP Care - A European Comparison

Communication between doctors and patients is the key factor for good healthcare, especially in the primary care sector. In order to understand a comprehensive medical history, to accurately make diagnoses and involve patients in treatment decisions, there must be sufficient time for a trusting interaction. However, what "sufficient" means is an open question in both health policy and scientific discussions. Currently, European countries show a high variation in the contact times between doctors and their patients can be observed. This project aims to provide an overview of the current research landscape, descriptively depict the situation in European countries, and highlight potential opportunities for the advancement of outpatient care as well as for future research work.

Project members

Simon Reif

Simon Reif

Project Coordinator
Head Research Group

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Jan Köhler

Jan Köhler


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Sabrina Schubert

Sabrina Schubert


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Strube Stiftung gGmbH, Stuttgart, DE