We show that in school systems with grade retention or redshirting birth cohort size is negatively related to the grade-level share of students who are too old for their grade. This compositional effect gives…
Bidding in first-price auctions crucially depends on the beliefs of the bidders. We analyze bidding behavior in a first-price auction in which the knowledge of the bidders about the distribution of the values of…
This paper analyzes whether technological change improves equality of labormarket opportunities by increasing the returns to skills relative to the returns toparental background. We find that in…
Microcredit, a financial tool providing uncollateralized loans to low-income individuals, has seen a shift from joint-liability (JL) to individual liability (IL) lending models. This article tests a theory…
Das Pariser Klimaabkommen sieht vor, die globale Erderwärmung auf unter 2°C gegenüber dem vorindustriellen Niveau zu begrenzen. Eine Herausforderung, deren Erfolg von der internationalen Kooperation der…
International climate negotiations have so far failed to produce ambitious climate cooperation. We combine laboratory experiments with simulations to investigate the performance of two negotiation design…