ZEW-CS Financial Market Test Switzerland - Economic Outlook Less Pessimistic

CH Indicator of Economic Sentiment

In August 2012 economic expectations for Switzerland improved by 9.2 points compared to the July reading. The ZEW-CS Indicator thus reaches a level of minus 33.3 points. The ZEW-CS Indicator is calculated monthly by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in cooperation with Credit Suisse (CS). The indicator reflects the expectations of the surveyed financial market experts regarding the economic development in Switzerland on a six-month time horizon.

The share of financial market experts expecting the economic environment in Switzerland to deteriorate on a six month horizon decreased by 4.4 percentage points to 40.0 per cent. The group of experts anticipating the economic situation to improve increased by a comparable size. However, with a share of 6.7 per cent the group of optimists is still relatively small. 53.3 per cent of the surveyed analysts expect the economic development in Switzerland to remain stable over the next six months.

Financial analysts’ assessment of the current economic environment worsened slightly in August. However, after a decrease by 7.4 points the indicator still stays in positive territory reaching a mark of 11.0 points in August.

For further information please contact

Lena Jaroszek (ZEW), Phone +49 621/1235-380, E-mail jaroszek@zew.de

Maxime Botteron (CS), Phone +41 443329061, E-mail maxime.botteron@credit-suisse.com