Carbon Accounting Quality

Research Seminars: Decarbonization Seminar/Joint Seminar ZEW and MISES

Measurement and the Role of Assurance

The paper presented in this Decarbonization Seminar examines the role of assurance—third-party verification—on carbon accounting quality. The authors develop a measure of carbon accounting quality based on the deviationof reported emissions from a model-based expected level and use two other survey-based measures. They show that assurance is associated with improved carbon accounting quality. This association cannot be explained by firm type or firm-level transparency, is isolated to the scope-specific emissions being assured, does not relate to financial reporting quality, and is stronger when assurance is more thorough and pervasive. Assurance improves carbon accounting quality by identifying issues in a firm’s carbon accounting system, resulting in fewer omissions and revisions of prior errors. Usingthe implementation of mandated assurance in three E.U. countries for non-financial reporting, the authors show that countries with these mandates experience within-firm improvements in carbon accounting quality post-regulation. Together, the findings highlight the importance of external assurance in shaping carbon accounting quality.


University of Mannheim


Prof. Brandon Gipper PhD

Brandon Gipper // Stanford Graduate School of Business, California, USA

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University of Mannheim


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