SEEK Workshop on the Private Financing of Higher Education – Human Capital as an Asset Class


The workshop aims to discuss recent research findings on the topic of the “Private Financing of Higher Education”. In light of the high demand that is likely to increase in the future and a growing supply of private capital for the financing of university education, this ZEW research project was created to investigate new perspectives in order to broaden the market for the private financing of education. Against this backdrop, ZEW will host a workshop on 25. September 2012. In the beginning of 2013, this topic will also be featured at the annual SEEK Conference.
Within the framework of this project, special emphasis is placed on the risk analysis of human capital investments from the perspective of investors aiming to diversify their portfolios. On the basis of a survey conducted among students and financial service providers, this project also analyses the potential selection effects of various financial products as well as their impact on the diversification potential. The results drawn from this research project will shed some new light on promising ways to design education policy measures in order to channel private investments into the education sector.


ZEW – Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung


SEEK Workshop





ZEW – Leibniz-Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung


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