Recent Developments in Behavioural Microsimulation


The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) is pleased to announce a workshop on recent developments in behavioural microsimulation. The workshop aims at bringing together 15-20 economists and scholars in related fields from Europe and overseas.

Topics of Interest

Contributions from all areas of behavioural microsimulation are welcome. A non-exhaustive list of topics is:

  • Developments beyond the standard labour supply model: rationing, non-unitary household models, time-use, child care, occupational choice, random preferences
  • Linking microsimulation and macro models
  • Computational issues in microsimulation
  • Welfare analysis
  • Ex-ante evaluation of family policies

Call for Papers, (PDF file, 60 KB)

Keynote Speaker

Richard Blundell (University College London)

Scientific Committee

  • Stefan Boeters (CPB Den Haag and ZEW)
  • Holger Bonin (ZEW)
  • François Laisney (University of Strasbourg and ZEW)
  • Reinhold Schnabel (University Duisburg-Essen und ZEW)




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