Economic Modelling Workshop 2006 –

Expert Seminars

Economic Evaluation of Income and Consumption Tax Reforms

Programm of the Seminar

First day:

Basis for the computerised implementation of mathematical models.

Introduction to the programme language GAMS (General Algebraic Modelling System).

Algebraic formulation of equilibrium problems as a system of equivalence and non-equivalence (MCP – mixed complementary problem).

Calibration of functional forms with the help of total economic databases (e.g. input-output tables or social accounting matrix).

Hands-on session: Implementation of prototype models for tax reform.

Second day:

Modelling of tax reform: Applications for the taxation of consumption and income.

Hands-on session: Implementation of model structures for tax reform analysis in large-scale models.

Hands-on session: Efficiency and distribution effects of tax structure reforms (differentiation of consumption tax levels, consumption vs. income taxation, taxation of income from work and from investment).

Use of programmes for flexible implementation of large-scale models.


  • Introduction to the programme language GAMS
  • Algebraic formulation of equilibrium problems as a system of equivalence and non-equivalence
  • Calibration of functional forms with the help of total economic databases
  • Use of programmes for flexible implementation of large-scale models
  • Hands-on session: Implementation of prototype models for tax reform, Implementation of model structures for tax reform analysis in large-scale models, Efficiency and distribution effects of tax structure reforms

Target Group

The seminar is intended for members of the scientific (universities, research institutes, ministries) and business (consulting) community who are involved in the economic evaluation of tax policy measures.





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