Local markets for flexibility: Power consumers offering system services in electricity distribution grids

Local markets for flexibility: Power consumers offering system services in electricity distribution grids

The energy transition leads to new challenges for power grids. On one hand, this applies to transmission grids, which transport electricity from coast to inland or across Europe. Distribution grids on the contrary, provide power locally to the final customer. Especially the latter face new exigencies: Many renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic panels are connected to the distribution grid which amplifies the volatility of power flows. More electric vehicles lead to increasing power demand from households. The existing distribution grids were not built for these developments and thus must now be either substantially extended or managed in a different way. This project studies to what extent locally connected businesses could provide grid services to the distribution system operator. Industrial processes, battery storage and small scale power production offer potential flexibility which would benefit the distribution grid. So far, there is no electricity balancing market on the level of the distribution grid, unlike on the level of the transmission grid. The aim of this study is to quantify to what extent locally connected consumers can stabilize the system through their own power consumption and thus providing system services resembling those within the transmission system.

Project members

Dominik Schober

Dominik Schober

Project Coordinator
Senior Researcher

To the profile
Nikolas Wölfing

Nikolas Wölfing

Junior Research Associate

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Oliver Woll

Oliver Woll

Senior Researcher

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Robert Germeshausen

Robert Germeshausen

Advanced Researcher

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Cooperation partner
acteno energy GmbH, Heidelberg, DE