Legal Aspects of the Introduction of a Qutoa Model for Renewable Energies

Legal Aspects of the Introduction of a Qutoa Model for Renewable Energies

Renewable Energies face difficulties in establishing their market; the, as compared to the exploitation of conventional sources of energy, rather high cost associated with their generation pose a serious hinderance to their competitiveness. This led the national legislature as early as 1990 to erect a framework for trade and tender of these goods: the so-called "Stromeinspeisungsgesetz". It requires electricity providers to acquire any amount of renewable energy available and exerts a minimum price regime at that. In this form and projected over the mid term, however, it can be assumed not to be tenable for Germany. Thus, this project was directed at furthering definite proposals with respect to national renewable energy policy. The concept of quota regulation was given central focus leading to a discussion of the legal restraints involved in binding consumers and producers to certain preconceived renewables´ patterns. In summary, a report is drawn up with an assessment of renewables in Germany, a description of several European approaches to competitive regulation and a first outline of a quota model for our national energy policy.

Project members

Christoph Böhringer

Christoph Böhringer

Research Associate

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Ministerium für Umwelt und Verkehr Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart, DE


Research Associate
Prof. Dr. Christoph Böhringer
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