EU Competitiveness Report

For the EU Competitiveness Report 2003, the ZEW estimates the productivity effects of re-organizations in Germany on the establishment level. On the basis of the IAB establishment panel, especially possible complementarities of investments in information and communication technologies and training are analyzed.

Project members

Thomas Zwick

Thomas Zwick

Project Coordinator
Research Associate

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Selected Publications

Employee participation and productivity

Zwick, Thomas (2004), Employee participation and productivity, Labour Economics 11 (6) , 715-740

Selected Events


Panelökonometrie II

Im Gegensatz zur mikroökonometrischen Panelanaly­se treten bei makroökonometrischen Paneldatensät­zen, die üblicherweise aus Länderdaten über lange Zeiträume bestehen, spezielle Probleme auf:…


Research Associate
Prof. Dr. Thomas Zwick
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