1. ZEW/Prognos-Transportmarktbarometer // 2012

    2. Quartal 2012

    Erwartungen für die Transportbranche verbessern sich wieder

    In den kommenden sechs Monaten ist in Deutschland mit einem überwiegend moderaten Anstieg der Transportpreise im Güterverkehr zu rechnen. Gleichzeitig…

  2. Contributions to Edited Volumes and Conference Proceedings // 2012

    Nuclear Power Contracts and International Cooperation: Analyzing Innovation and Social Distribution in Russian Foreign Policy

    What is the role of nuclear contracts in Russian foreign policy? This chapter analyzes the political economy of nuclear power regulation in Russia and its implications for Russian foreign policy when it comes to…

  3. ZEW Economic Studies Vol. 44 // 2012

    Sustainable Energy Consumption in Residential Buildings

    As the residential buildings sector accounts for around 30 percent of the final energy demand in Germany, this sector is increasingly becoming the focus of public attention with regard to climate change. In this…