Initial Risk Matrix, Home Resources, Ability Development and Children’s Achievement

Refereed Journal // 2009
Refereed Journal // 2009

Initial Risk Matrix, Home Resources, Ability Development and Children’s Achievement

This paper investigates the development of basic cognitive, motor and noncog-nitive abilities from infancy to adolescence. We analyse the predictive power of these abilities, initial risk conditions and home resources for children’s achievement. Our data are taken from the Mannheim Study of Children at Risk (MARS), an epidemiological cohort study, which follows the long-term out-come of early risk factors. Results indicate that differences in abilities increase during childhood, while there is a remarkable stability in the distribution of the economic and socio-emotional home resources during childhood. Initial risk conditions trigger a cumulative effect. Cognitive, motor and noncognitive abili-ties acquired during preschool age contribute to the prediction of children’s achievement at school age.

Blomeyer, Dorothea, Katja Coneus, Manfred Laucht and Friedhelm Pfeiffer (2009), Initial Risk Matrix, Home Resources, Ability Development and Children’s Achievement, Journal of the European Economic Association 7(2-3) , 638-648

Authors Dorothea Blomeyer // Katja Coneus // Manfred Laucht // Friedhelm Pfeiffer