1. Discussion and Working Paper // 2019

    Fiskalische und individuelle Nettoerträge und Renditen von Bildungsinvestitionen im jungen Erwachsenenalter

    In dieser Studie werden auf der Basis einer Weiterentwicklung des ZEW Mikrosimulations-modells des Abgaben- Steuer- und Transfersystems fiskalische und individuelle Nettoerträge und Renditen von…

  2. Discussion and Working Paper // 2019

    Targets missed: Three case studies exploiting the linked SHARE-RV data

    Targeting is an important aim for social policy. Three case studies in this paper reflect typical short-comings in the targeting design of pension reforms. The first case study …

  3. Discussion and Working Paper // 2018

    `Deja vol' revisited: Survey forecasts of macroeconomic variables predict volatility in the cross-section of industry portfolios

    We investigate the question whether macroeconomic variables contain information about future stock volatility beyond that contained in past volatility. We show that forecasts of GDP and industrial production…

  4. Discussion and Working Paper // 2018

    Women Leaving the Playpen: The Emancipating Role of Female Suffrage

    The role of women in Western societies changed dramatically in the 20th century. We study how political empowerment affected women’s emancipation as reflected in their life choices like marital decisions and…