Das wirtschaftliche Potenzial des Internet der Dienste

Expertises // 2010
Expertises // 2010

Das wirtschaftliche Potenzial des Internet der Dienste

The key aim of the study was a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the economic potential of the "internet of services" and the identification of site-specific chances and challenges for Germany. Firstly, the study provides an overview of the key technologies and value added fields of the "internet of services". The analyses focus on technology and market trends such as Cloud Computing, SOA and web services, on the basis of which services on the internet can be developed, traded and linked within a new service ecosystem. Based on these findings, it was investigated how a developing "internet of services" will affect ICT providers and selected user branches in the short, middle, and long term, which drivers and restraints can be expected and what kind of effects "the internet of services" will have on competitiveness, growth and employment of businesses in Germany as a location of business. Furthermore, the study includes specific recommendations for the economic and technology policy orientation of the German government as well as for corporate strategies. The study is based on extensive desk research, numerous expert discussions, the statistic analysis of a representative firm survey, model calculations and market analysis instruments. ICT providers and ICT business users are analysed separately.

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Dufft, Nicole, Katrin Schleife, Irene Bertschek, Margit Vanberg, Tilo Böhmann, Ann Kristin Schmitt and Martin Barnreiter (2010), Das wirtschaftliche Potenzial des Internet der Dienste, Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie (BMWi), Berlin

Authors Nicole Dufft // Katrin Schleife // Irene Bertschek // Margit Vanberg // Tilo Böhmann // Ann Kristin Schmitt // Martin Barnreiter