2014 Spring workshop „Survey Methodology and Modern Microeconometrics”


College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research - A Joint Initiative of the BMBF, the Jacobs Foundation and the Leibniz Association

The College for Interdisciplinary Educational Research has been established by six research institutions of the Leibniz Association, among them ZEW and GESIS in Mannheim. The College is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (grant number: 01JG1201), the Jacobs Foundation (grant number: 2011-963), and the participating Leibniz Institutes, and coordinated by Prof. Dr. Heike Solga, WZB Berlin. The major goals of the college are the promotion of the early independence of excellent young researchers who recently completed their PhDs, and the advancement of interdisciplinary educational research in a life course perspective. The spring workshop 2014 at the ZEW has been organised jointly by GESIS and ZEW. The major aims are to deepen the Fellows knowledge in the areas of survey methodology and modern microeconometrics or causal analysis, and to foster the exchange between the Fellows as well as their joint interdisciplinary projects. In addition the Fellows will have the possibility getting to know the organising institutes, GESIS and ZEW.


Programme (as PDF file, 102 KB)





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