Doctoral Graduations at ZEW in 2017

Dates and News

Last year, several dissertations were completed at ZEW.

The qualification of its staff is very important to ZEW. Last year, several dissertations were completed at ZEW. We cordially congratulate our successful postdocs! We would like to thank all supervisors, especially the first advisors.

Doctoral graduations since January 2017:

Rainer Bräutigam, “Die Entwicklung der Unternehmensbesteuerung in der Europäischen Union – Eine Analyse von nationaler Steuerpolitik, EuGH-Rechtsprechung und möglichen Reformvorschlägen unter Verwendung von Effektivsteuermaßen“ (The Development of Corporate Taxation in the European Union – An Analysis of National Tax Policy, ECJ Jurisprudence and Possible Reform Options), University of Mannheim, Prof. Dr. Christoph Spengel

Melissa Berger, ”Essays in Public Economics: Evasion, Tax Incentives, and Financial Solidarity“, Ruhr University Bochum, Prof. Dr. Nadine Riedel.

Francesco Berlingieri, ”Individual and Regional Returns to Higher Education: Empirical Evidence for Germany“, Heidelberg University, Prof. Christina Gathmann, PhD

Maria Theresia Evers, ”Tax Accounting, Tax Sheltering and Profit Shifting: Empirical Evidence on the Effects of Book-Tax Conformity and Enhanced Concepts for a Harmonized Corporate Tax Base in the EU“, University of Mannheim, Prof. Dr. Christoph Spengel, Prof. Dr. Jannis Bischof

Martin Hud, ”Empirische Studien zu FuE, Innovation und Konjunktur“ (Empirical Studies on R&D, Innovation and the Business Cycle), Maastricht University, Prof. Dr. Martin Carree, Prof. Dr. Katrin Hussinger

Paul Hünermund, ”Three Essays on Innovation Economics”, KU Leuven, Prof. Dr. Dirk Czarnitzki

André Nolte, ”Empirical Essays on Labor Economics and Digitization“, University of Mannheim, Prof. Dr. Andrea Weber, Prof. Dr. Andreas Peichl

Olena Pfeiffer, ”Internationale Gewinnverlagerung innerhalb der Multinationale Konzerne: Empirische Evidenz zu den Hauptkanälen und Gegenmaßnahmen“ (International Profit Shifting Within Multinational Enterprises: Empirical Evidence on the Key Channels and Countermeasures), University of Mannheim, Prof. Dr. Christoph Spengel

Jenny Pirschel, ”Einzelne Aufsätze zum Thema Personal Finance: Der Einfluss von Erfahrungen und Stimmungen auf die Finanzentscheidungen von Privathaushalten“ (Essays on Empirical Personal Finance: The Impact of Experiences and Sentiment on Individual Decision Making), Goethe University Frankfurt, Prof. Dr. Andreas Hackethal

Jesper Riedler, ”Three Papers on Agent-Based Models of the Financial and Real Sectors“, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Prof. Dr. Peter Winker

Martin Ungerer, „Four Essays on Inequality and Migration“, University of Cologne, Prof. David A. Jaeger, PhD

Arne Jonas Warnke, “Essays on Gender Differences in Training, Incentives and Creativity, Survey Response, and Competitive Balance and Sorting in Football“, University of Freiburg, Prof. Bernd Fitzenberger, PhD